Ace and The Harmony

Lookbook AW 2023


Ace & the Harmony is a unique fashion brand providing concepts for the next generation. The founders knew the type of clothing they wanted to produce and the concepts behind it, but needed assistance with developing and promoting the brand.


Project lead: Sabina Karlson
Designer: Mia Gru
Copywriting: Ruth Davis
Digital Designer: Bjarne Christensen


Initially, we created a distinctive tone of voice to provide a strong communication framework. Following this, we helped establishing a core brand concept relating to the perfectly imperfect nature of each child and the harmonising of past nostalgia with future potential.

Art Direction




High fashion for next gen

Ace & the Harmony is a unique fashion brand providing concepts for the next generation. The founders knew the type of clothing they wanted to produce and the concepts behind it, but needed assistance with developing and promoting the brand.

To mitigate this, TaxHelper required assistance to build a solid brand foundation and identity. This effort aimed not only to reflect the brand’s legitimacy and value accurately but also to pave the way for the creation of a new website.

The new online platform was envisioned to align seamlessly with the revitalized brand identity while clearly conveying the brand’s unique value proposition to dispel misconceptions and foster trust among potential clients.

We assisted TaxHelper in crafting a concise, impactful sentence that could be used in every company pitch, effectively aligning with the brand's narrative. Following a comprehensive brand strategy, we developed a visual identity that exuded friendliness, expertise, and trustworthiness.

"The success of working in tandem with the collective emerged as the team deep dived into the thoughts and aesthetics I aimed to convey. Their authentic approach perfectly aligned with the brand's DNA."

Romeo Cachuela Espelata Jr., CEO


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Sabina Karlson